
In the rapidly evolving landscape of facility management, the quest for efficiency, safety, and innovation leads us to the doorstep of groundbreaking solutions. MetaBIM, a pioneering digital twin technology, emerges as a beacon of progress, transforming the complex webs of maintenance, operation, and strategic planning into streamlined processes. This series delves into the multifaceted benefits and applications of MetaBIM, illuminating how it not only addresses today's challenges but also paves the way for a future where informed decisions, proactive maintenance, and seamless operations become the norm. Join us as we explore the cutting-edge interface of MetaBIM, where the future of industrial excellence is being written.

ICL Group: Harnessing MetaBIM for Sustainable Industrial Process Engineering
Success Story

ICL Group: Harnessing MetaBIM for Sustainable Industrial Process Engineering

ICL Group is a multinational manufacturing concern that develops, produces, and markets fertilizers, metals, and other special-purpose chemical products. The company creates impactful solutions to humanity's sustainability challenges in the global food, agriculture, and industrial markets. ICL's Dead Sea factories use MetaBIM as a strategic tool for industrial process engineering that helps to minimize process manufacturing downtime.

Oved Yosef
Unlocking the Potential of MetaBIM:
Industrial Innovation

Unlocking the Potential of MetaBIM:

Revolutionizing Facility Management

Ruthy Sheffi